Our summer school in Petnica

Experiences and results

Posted On: August 21, 2023

The UPSKILLS project culminated with our five-day summer school at the Petnica Science Center, Serbia in July 2023. This summer school brought together a total of 32 students and 17 trainers from the University of Belgrade, University of Bologna, University of Geneva, University of Graz, University of Malta, University of Rijeka and CLARIN ERIC and engaged the students through hands-on and research-oriented lectures and workshops.

In this blog post, we share some of the experiences of those present, alongside the final results of the work that the students undertook within this intensive program. 

In this post:

  • Video interviews
  • Training description

Trainer experiences

An brief account of the training event

During the first day, and following a presentation of the project and its aims and two dedicated workshops focusing on the development of transversal skills, our participant students got familiarised with the professional profile identified following our needs analysis, and had a chance to play around with the UPSKILLS games.


Student experiences

For the remainder of the summer school, students were divided into four groups, each of which was allocated a project that required exposure to adapted and abridged versions of the UPSKILLS learning content and games. Working together with their trainers the students went over the relevant material and completed their projects, showcasing the results of their efforts during a dedicated event during the last day of the summer school. 

Posted by Michela Vella (UM team)